Saturday, October 9, 2010

Abandoned already?

So this hasn't really gotten off to the best start.

It has been....almost one month since my last update, and what has happened?  Welll...not a whole lot.
My computer was down for a few weeks...and during those weeks I had lots of moments where I thought of something, or saw something, and thought "oooh I have to add that to my list".  Those eureka moments passed as quickly as they came, and I have forgotten most of them.

I've been kept busy during the week at work, also had a lot of after-work functions which means I don't get home to rather late (yay - the christmas party season begins!), then I have had a few weekends consisting over a little over-indulgence in beverages of the alcoholic sort...which means that the balance of the weekend has been spent curled up in bed with a bottle of water and a few doses of paracetamol, trying to figure out who the new phone numbers on my phone are.

But this quiet weeekend has led me to activate this up again, and I have added approximately 20 things to my list!! So now I am up to 66 goals.  One of those things I hope to tick off in two weeks.  I have booked flights down to wellington for labour weekend.  I am planning to catch up with a friend of mine, and enjoy a couple of days touring around the Martinborough wine region - samping the best it has to offer....and heading up the road to the Tui Brewery ;)

I have also made headway into one of my items - to try new recipes.  So in the fridge over the past few weeks has appeared - Lolly cake (sooo easy, and sooo amazing), and ginger cake (yummy - lasted quite a while - but I ran out of icing sugar so I did not ice was still nice, almost loaf-like).  I probably should try out a few recipes that test me a bit. 

I have also purchased a mint and parsley plant, and they are now sitting out on my deck. Only been used once - but I suppose I had better let them grow a bit!

I joined '' today.  I had never heard of this website until today.  What it is, is a website where you send postcards to random people, and random people then send postcards to you.  Cool aye.
So I have signed up...and I was given three addresses.  A guy in Germany (who wants 'quirky' cards), a woman in the Netherlands (who likes music), and a girl in New York (who likes dogs).  Tomorrow I will have a look around town for some cool postcards, post them off, and see what happens!! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The beginning...1001 days to go!

One of my friends, Heather, keeps an online blog.  I occassionally read this - partly being nosy, partly because I know that when you write something and put it up on the internet, you would like people to read it.  So in doing her a favour by reading her blog, she has inadvertantely also granted a favour to me....well she may have.  Whether it is a favour or not will be something that evolves over the next few months.  But as a direct result of reading Heather's blog, I have decided to start a "101 in 1001 days" list.

Much like a bucket list, but rather than having the looming deadline being my death, the deadline is a date exactly 1001 days from now.   Which, according to the website that I have set my list up on, is June 15, 2013. 

I've started writing my list today....

One thing that struck me as I began thinking about things I havent done, but would like to do, was - firstly that it is very difficult to come up with a list of 101 things!! As I write I have only made it to 37 things!!  I suppose I can now add to that list "finish this list of 101 things".  Great...38 :)

Secondly (i suppose the paragraph above should have referred to 'two things') - I have noticed about how much I have already done!  Much of the things that are listed on the sample lists I have already done......I have walked the Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu, drunk wine at vineyards, donated blood, slept under the stars,  gone camping, gone bungyjumping, been to las vegas, got a law degree, taught english to kids in a remote cambodian village, sailed on a tall ship, had dancing lessons, climbed a mountain etc etc etc.

A lot of that has been due to my own pursuits....however a lot has been influence by lots of friends of mine.  As we all move on with out individual lives - with some friends choosing to head off travelling and having exciting adventures, others settling down with thoughts of 2.5 kids and a white picket fence, and others with their heads down into their careers, climbing the corporate ladder - I have found that I have stalled a bit in the 'doing things' side of things.  So, being the organised and pragmatic person that I am....I have found a solution - and that is to LIST.  That way I can measure progress, tick off acheivements, and make plans.

I am also currently reading the book 'eat, pray, love'.  Written by a divorcee who decides to travel for a year - living in Italy, India and Bali for four months each.  Its an interesting book, and not really something that I normally get into...but its spiritual ramblings have coincided with me discovering the Day Zero website...and the result is this blog :)

So...this blog...maybe it will turn into a work of literary genius and result in me following the footseps of the protaganist of 'yes man' or 'eat, pray, love'. Or most likely, it will be abandoned after a few months, probably together with the list.  BUt we will see.

Wish me luck!!!  Off to tick something off!!